No More Work for Me. I Figured it Out
Join me for a work free life, at the pool, on the road, at the beach, where ever. Do what you love and never have to work a day in your life. As I write this, I am in Las Vegas watching my daughter swim in the pool with her cousins. This vacation was not […]
10 Tips to Help You Keep and Grow Your Money
This goes without saying that a penny saved is a penny earned. With the current economic and financial situations, it’s no more a case of asking whether you should put aside some money each month or not. The real question is how can you save some money and make it grow too. If you want […]
An Open Letter To Any Employee Who Has Ever Discovered She’s Smarter Than Her Boss
Several years ago, the Wall Street Journal marketed subscriptions to their newspaper by relating a simple story to would-be subscribers. The story went like this. 25 years ago, two friends graduated from the same college and they both went to work for the same company. Twenty five years later, one is a Division Manager while […]
What Has Fear Cost You?
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” – Joseph Campbell. In 1997, I was a man poised to become a history-maker. The rate at which my financial business had grown made it necessary for me to be able to scale our technology beyond the scope of paper files in an office. […]
Are You a Landlord When You Should Be a Bank?
A decade ago, I made a very important decision: I decided to stop being a landlord and start being a bank. “What the heck does one have to do with the other, Toyin?” you may ask. I will tell you.
Setting Priorities: How to Keep First Things First
Years ago, I read Stephen Covey’s famed book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and the very first habit was, by far, the most important to me. Be proactive. But I also recognize that in order to be proactive AND effective, we must also learn to put first things first by setting priorities.
Case Study: The Mobile Home with the Ghost Loan
Years ago, I came across an abandoned mobile home within close proximity of another mobile home I owned and was renting out. and sent a letter to the owner on record. A few weeks later, the owner’s daughter called me back and I spoke with them briefly about the property before making an offer. As it turns out, the […]