Setting Priorities: How to Keep First Things First
Years ago, I read Stephen Covey’s famed book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and the very first habit was, by far, the most important to me. Be proactive. But I also recognize that in order to be proactive AND effective, we must also learn to put first things first by setting priorities.
How to Have Success in the Next 24 Hours
Yesterday, I asked my 17 year-old son this question: “What is the one thing that every human being has in common?” He did not have an answer for me and after several long seconds of silence, I gave him the answer. “24 hours.” Every human being has 24 hours a day. Most of us have […]
Motherhood, Work and the Real Estate Business: Doing it All
Why It’s Important for You to do All Three I want to get at least 500 women actively working and making money in the real estate business over the course of the next year. Why? Because I believe GIC Deal Finders presents women with the perfect opportunity to increase their earning power without sacrificing their […]