Congratulations, Amanda! You Earned Your First $5,000 Real Estate Payday!
“Alice came to a fork in the road. ‘Which road do I take?’ she asked.
‘Where do you want to go?’ responded the Cheshire Cat.
‘I don’t know,’ Alice answered.
‘Then,’ said the Cat, ‘it doesn’t matter.'”
– Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
GIC member and real estate Property Hunter, Amanda, submitted 5 properties in her first week. Amanda signed up at the end of the year last year and got right to work. She initially had problems uploading her properties to the website, but she persisted I advised her to just email them.
We got the email, and immediately sent out letters to the property owners of record. On Monday, December 15, one of the owners called because he received one of our letters. His property has been vacant for a while after he evicted the previous tenants. The property also had a handful of code violations.
The owner moved out of state a few years ago. First he let his granddaughter occupy the property, but she allowed the property to go into disrepair. The city slapped her with code violations and after some family squabbles, the owner took the property back. He fixed the property and rented it to new tenants. After six months of infrequent payments, he evicted them. The property has been vacant ever since.
When Amanda found the property, nearly all the trees were dead, the back door was open and vandals were starting to go in and out of the property. When I spoke to the owner, all he could tell me were his problems about the property and how he would like to keep it, but because he lives so far away from the property, he knew he had to get rid of it immediately. It took two days to negotiate a real estate deal. But we finally arrived at a fair price, and we opened escrow immediately.
Yesterday, I went back to the property with the owner to secure the property. I called Amanda to meet us there so we can record a video to show other members and potential property locators proof of Amanda’s success.
Why Our System Works
Through years of experience and two decades of trial and error, we have come up with a process that is a win-win opportunity for everyone involved. Property Hunters locate quality real estate leads with motivated sellers and are paid handsomely for doing so. We build our real estate portfolio by negotiating fair and profitable deals with motivated sellers. Sellers win by getting rid of problem properties or saving themselves the hassle of going through a foreclosure.
So what are you waiting for? Get in your car right now and look for properties in your neighborhood. You could be the next one to earn $5,000 for a few minutes of driving around your neighborhood.
If you have not registered as a member, and still sitting on the fence, someone else may be working your neighborhood right under your nose while you watch television.
Get out there and make some real money for a change. Be sure to register for our upcoming webinar that will teach you how to excel at this business.
Make it your goal to find at least 5-10 properties per week, and you’ll be on your way to a $5,000 income per month. Our road leads to more money for you in 2014.
Success does not happen by accident. You have to plan for it.