Need Money? Don’t Get a Loan, Buy a House
Is Real Estate the Alternative to Alternative Lenders? If you’re old enough to remember the Great Recession, you, no doubt, have seen the its effects. They may come in the form of more vacant homes on your block or listening to the woes of a friend who has gone unemployed or underemployed for too long. […]
Real Estate Agent vs Real Estate Investor: Four Ways to Tell Them Apart
What’s the difference between them anyway? Seems to many like the difference and between a real estate agent and a real estate investor is negligible. After all, they both dabble in real estate. They both work with properties. They both make money from sales. Seems like trying to tell the difference between a red apple […]
The Three Keys to Earning Money in Real Estate
Earning money in real estate is not difficult, but it’s also not for the faint at heart. The savvy investor can break real estate down to three simple components.
The Phasing Out of Bank Tellers
Why I believe banking professional need to learn how to create wealth NOW If you work in the banking industry, your next phase of professional development shouldn’t be a trade magazine or another stuffy banking seminar. It should be learning how to create wealth. According to the Wall Street Journal, only about 10% of the […]