2 Minutes, 2 Clicks, $1,000
Yesterday, a seller called me and said, “I am returning your call about selling my house.” When I asked him how he found out about me, he said, ‘”You responded to my ad.”Well, I did not respond to his ad, but one of our members did, and sent the call to me. It was one of the many good real estate leads found by our Property Hunters.
I quickly asked the seller a few questions about the house, I looked up the house, and after a few minutes of investigation, I made an offer to the owner and he accepted it.
This property took about five minutes of work. Our deal finder located the property on the Internet. We actually started testing a new source of free real estate leads just a few weeks ago. We have only shared this lead source with those who are active and are ready to follow easy directions. These leads are free and anyone can find them without having to do any driving around or doing any mailing. Just a few clicks on your computer and the leads are screaming at you right from your neighborhood.
Depending on how much we pay for the house, you can earn anywhere from $500-$5,000 for half an hour of work.Within the last two days, Celia has earned $1,000 and we are working on her second deal which could earn her even more depending on what price we can negotiate with the owner.
The beauty of this new lead generation is that it does not cost you a dime to find these motivated sellers. All you have to do is get on the computer, go to the sites that we recommend to you, and pick out the motivated sellers. Shoot them a quick email and wait for them to call back.
Once they tell you they are interested in selling, all you have to do is send their contact information to us and we will negotiate the deal. With this new program, we can buy any property, regardless of how much they owe, or whether they are in foreclosure or under water on the house. Your job is to bring the lead, and leave the rest to us.
If you hurry, you can make $1,000 -$5,000 in the next 30 days.